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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Reorganizing the Computer Room!

Reorganizing the Computer Room!
So, I mentioned in another post we are starting Cub School in June. However, I was not sure where I wanted to spend all that time. So I decided to reorganize the computer room (or Daddy's Cave as Little Bear calls it). I have not used my half of the computer room for about 3 years. When my computer broke, I bought a laptop. So my half of the room became the "place where you put everything". I have been meaning to reorganize it, but this summer project gave me the excuse I needed. The first thing I wanted to do was take out the big ugly broken tv, that way I could use the tv stand as a bookshelf. Luckily for me, I chose a great day to throw it out. Bulk Trash Pick up day (which happens once a month) was that Tuesday! Yea for good timing! So now my room looks like this:

It's really messy, but I will fix that. So I decided to reorganize things. I did not like the idea of the bookshelf in front of the window. Not really sure why, but just do no like it. Also, the giant tent has to be moved, otherwise there will be no room to work. I moved the tent to the living room. (I am sure my Hubby will have something to say about that when he comes home). Little Bear still plays in the tent otherwise I would pack it up and put it in the garage. I actually got that tent at Ikea for $10 about 3 years ago. She loves it and I can pat myself on the back for a good purchase!
Now, after moving the tent, I moved the bookshelf against the wall and moved the computer desk to where that little table is. That little table is also from Ikea. It came with 2 chairs and was only $20, another good purchase! I moved the table to the middle of the room. So now my room looks like this:

It's amazing how much room I have now! As you can see Little Bear was excited and all ready to play in her new area. However, I am still not done. My computer has been fixed by my Hubby's brother. So now Little Bear has her own computer to do ABC Mouse on. A great learning site for kids! I recommend it to everyone! Not only does it teach children in a game like manner, but it is also teaching her computer skills. So, for the computer I just need to find a mouse and keyboard and it is all set. The bookcase is a little bare as you can see. I did put some of our craft stuff on it though. I can not wait to get the books :) The walls are also very bare, but I am hoping to fix that soon! Now, see that empty corner there? Well, I am planning to make a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree there! Little Bear is really excited about that. Each week when we work on a new letter, she can add the letter to the tree! I also need to get a bean bag or two, so that right under the tree we can read together. I am very excited about how this room is coming along!

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