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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Books, Books, and More Books! Our 1st Library trip!

Books, Books, and More Books! Our 1st Library trip!
Today Little Bear and I went to the Library for the first time. We both signed up for library cards. I was a little disappointed when we got them, they did not have our names on them and we did not have to print our names on them. I really wanted to get a card with her name on it or even one where she could write her name, oh well. Then I let Little Bear pick out some books. So what did she choose? Dinosaur books of course! We even got a music cd with Dinosaur songs. We got Dinosaur Dig and Dinosaur Zoom by Penny Dale. I liked these best, very colorful and it introduced new vocabulary. It has sound words like "Vroom and Splash" and the Dinosaurs are doing everyday things. We will be looking up more of her books! We also got Dinosaur Parade by Kelly Milner Halls.  I liked this one too. Very colorful and she clumps the Dinosaurs together by similarities, such as "herds" and "spikes". Finally we got Dinosaurs and Dinosaurs! by Gail Gibbons. Both of these books are very factual, they talk about how fossils are made and how dinosaurs died. The first book was not a favorite. The dinosaur pictures are not very detailed, but it was full of bright colors. The second book about the dinosaurs was a little better detailed and she included many dinosaurs in the book. She separated them into groups, such as "horns" and "meat eaters". However, be warned this book shows the dinosaurs eating other dinosaurs! Overall, I think the library trip was a success! Now, I think the problem will be having to return the books. :)

Giving the Librarian her card.

Getting her books back.

Reading her Library book!

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