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Sunday, March 30, 2014

ABC Circle

I was browsing on pinterest when I came across the Little Family Fun blog. I recommend checking out her site, she has some GREAT activities and crafts for kids! One I really loved was the 5 ABC circle games, click here for all the details. Genius! No templates, just construction paper and markers. So of course I got out my paper and scissors and went to work! I did change a few things. I used scrapbooking paper instead of construction paper. I liked the way it looked better, however it does distract from the letter sometimes. On some of the other activities I added more, but I will post more about that later. (the glue is still drying and my daughter can not do all 5 right away). After cutting out all the circles and writing all my ABCs many times. We started with the caterpillar.
I set out all the little ABCs and asked Little Bear to put them in order. We started with the little letters, which she has more problems with. It was so cute when she was signing the song to figure out what comes next!

As you can see the caterpillar is very long!

The next activity was the ice cream ABCs. I set out the little cones with the big letters and the ice cream as little letters. I asked her to match up the big letters and the little letters.

She had so much fun running around the table, pushing the circle while looking for the right spot!

She had a lot of fun with this activity. Although, I never understood why she had to sit upside from the letters. I am worried this might teach her the wrong way. However, she was getting the letters right, so I guess it works for her.

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