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Friday, May 31, 2013

Busy Bag: ABC

I was browsing Pinterest one day when I came across something called a Busy Bag. I have never heard of that before. So I looked them up and I was AMAZED. A Busy Bag is a bag that has one activity in it for your child. That activity can be anything! Puzzles, worksheets, matching, anything! I found this to be a great idea, especially since me and Little Bear are planning to go on a trip to see my family. These activities would work great at the airport or in the airplane.
I especially liked the Busy Bag ideas from Rookie Moms . She introduced me to the idea of DIY dry erase sheets. It's so simple, print a paper and laminate it and voila Dry Erase! Her site showed mazes, however she did link to another site that showed the ABCs. That site was Confessions of a Homeschooler. However, it seems that the printable has disappeared from her site. However, you can use any search engine and type in "write abc" and can pick your own printable.

I loved the idea so I printed the sheets, however, I do not have a laminator yet. While shopping, I found these self seal laminating pouches. I was so excited! I now could make some dry erase sheets! I made sure to buy markers that were "fine tip" so that it would be easier for my 4 year old to trace the letters.

I decided to use 1 pouch for each paper, instead of having both papers in 1 pouch. That way, Little Bear can turn the paper over and have a blank side to try on. Best thing, after she is done I can wipe it and she can do it again!



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